Sunday, November 22, 2009
The Assassination of John F. Kennedy
Today, forty-six years ago, the thirty-fifth President of the United States, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was killed, starting a violent, chaotic decade of change. The United States had experienced nearly a dozen years of peaceful economic expansion. The threat of the 'Cold War', the conflicts in Korea and Vietnam although very real, were a fact of life. President Kennedy's naive approach to relations with the than Soviet Union, gave us a brief glimpse of the foreign policy challenges that Kennedy fumbled. The gravity of his death clouded the deep problems dividing the Democrat party, his unfaithful marriage and his passive action on civil rights.
Today, there are many that do not believe the 'official' version of his murder, and his death remains unsolved. Yet, others have placed him and his presidency above the fray of politics. In Camelot, in myth his life is remembered.
In less than two hundred years of American history, John F. Kennedy was the fourth president assassinated. He was forty-six years old.
Sunday, November 8, 2009

Hillary, Where are you?
The Health Care Bill has passed! Yesterday or last night, the House of Representatives voted not to represent America. Instead, they moved the Country closed to disaster and conceded to the wishes of the "special interest groups," - follow the money. Mr. Obama made another campaign pitch on Capitol Hill, this time with some results. All of the Democrats were present and accounted for to get the bill through the hurdle. Except Hillary.
As Congress pushes America closer to destroying the "Free Enterprises System" in United States, Health Care as it is known will be demolished with the rest of our "sick" economy. President Obama did not have political charm in the elections in 2009. The voters showed the Congress that there are Americans that are very concerned with endless, careless spending. Now, with the Tax and Tax Energy Bill - there will be no small businesses left.
In 1993, our economy was much healthier and Hillary R. Clinton proposed sweeping changes to Health Care, with no success. She has put her time in on Capitol Hill, as First Lady and Senator. Many of the "ideas" articulated in her bill were brought forward sixteen years, with extra baggage.
Now, Hillary is no way to found in Washington DC. Infact, Secretary Clinton is as faraway from this drama as any politician can be - Berlin, Germany. Yep, the wall is gone, after twenty years ago since the fall, a wall that was built to keep East Berliners in. The building started in 1960 when there was an East and West Berlin. Presidents Kennedy and Reagan spoke of freedom and liberty. And our current President, Mr. Obama declined an invitation from Chancellor Merkel to be present at the celebration. Why isn't President Obama representing our Country? Again, we are not being represented by our leader.
Does Secretary Clinton dare go where Barry and Joe will not? Is it the destiny of Hillary R. Clinton, as the Hawk Democrat, to save the party that has fallen to the left? Hillary 2012???
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Do we have a Choice?
Do you have Choice now? That is the question that every individual has to answer. With so many bank, mortgage failures, raising unemployment, poor economic forecasts, there are fewer choices in many places today. Auto Industry, Energy Development, HealthCare, Finanical Services, the list goes on and there are fewer choises. With the government playing a larger role in an increasing range of everyday issues, what are our choices for tomorrow? And who will make those choices for us? Can we choose for ourselves? Will we be able to choose responsibly for ourselves and our families?
HealthCare Reform is the hot bottom topic of the hour. Congress is fashioning legislation that is to “level the playing field”, and well make choices for us. Someone else besides ourselves and our doctors, will choose your treatment, care and life style. How does the Health Care Industry impact the economy now? Does Congress Know? What will your choices be for treatment, finding a doctor and living a life style? Who will know better, Congress or your doctor? Thirty years from now, What will be the level of quality in HealthCare in the United States? Does Congress care about the future of healthcare, or our economy? Is Congress making HealthCare more patient friendly? What will Lawyers sue with the government in the way? How will the government know if a doctor is really qualified or good?
There are thousands of questions regarding increase of Government involvement in our lives. Does Congress have all the answers? Are they really open to questions and new ideas? Or even old ideas? If the Stimulus and TARP are not working, then why take on Energy and HealthCare without the Private sector? Why does the Government need to control the HealthCare System? Does not the President and Congress trust Americans? They trusted us enough to ask for our votes.
Tomorrow, what choices will you have? Having the ability to choose is a liberty that everyone in this country has. Although, some have made very persuasive cases, that some of us have no choice. Is this true? That's right, I am asking for the truth.
More Government, Less Choice, Less Freedom, Less Individuality.
More Liberty, More Responsibility in Choosing, More Freedom
Be an Individual, with Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Share this choice with a follow American. Add more ideas, to Reform and Improve the way Health Care “is” in America. We do not need to re-invent the system.
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Prevent Swine Flu - Good Advice
Dr. Vinay Goyal is an MBBS,DRM,DNB (Intensivist and Thyroid specialist) having clinical experience of over 20 years. He has worked in institutions like Hinduja Hospital , Bombay Hospital , Saifee Hospital , Tata Memorial etc.. Presently, he is heading our Nuclear Medicine Department and Thyroid clinic at Riddhivinayak Cardiac and Critical Centre, Malad (W).
The following message given by him, I feel makes a lot of sense and is important for all to know the only portals of entry are the nostrils and mouth/throat. In a global epidemic of this nature, it's almost impossible to avoid coming into contact with H1N1 in spite of all precautions.
Contact with H1N1 is not so much of a problem as proliferation is. While you are still healthy and not showing any symptoms of H1N1 infection, in order to prevent proliferation, aggravation of symptoms and development of secondary infections, some very simple steps, not fully highlighted in most official communications, can be practiced (instead of focusing on how to stock N95 or Tamiflu):
1. Frequent hand-washing (well highlighted in all official communications). Incorporating simple hygiene practices into to your everyday routine, can prevent to spend of H1N1 and any other "germs" that you may come in contact with.
2. "Hands-off-the-face" approach. Resist all temptations to touch any part of face, or anyone else's face. (unless you want to eat, bathe or slap).
3. *Gargle twice a day with warm salt water (use Listerine if you don't trust salt). *H1N1 takes 2-3 days after initial infection in the throat/ nasal cavity to proliferate and show characteristic symptoms. Simple gargling prevents proliferation. In a way, gargling with salt water has the same effect on a healthy individual that Tamiflu has on an infected one. Don't underestimate this simple, inexpensive and powerful preventative method. And if you have a "scratchy" sore throat, warm salt water is very soothing.
4. Similar to 3 above, *clean your nostrils at least once every day with warm salt water. *Not everybody may be good at Jala Neti or Sutra Neti (very good Yoga asanas to clean nasal cavities), but *blowing the nose hard once a day and swabbing both nostrils with cotton buds dipped in warm salt water is very effective in bringing down viral population.*
5. *Boost your natural immunity with foods that are rich in Vitamin C (Amla and other citrus fruits).. *If you have to supplement with Vitamin C tablets, make sure that it also has Zinc to boost absorption. Take a multi-vitamin regular is a good supplement to the routine. Also, eating fresh fruits and vegetables increase Vitamin C and other nutrients that increase the body's natural immunity.

6. *Drink as much of warm liquids (tea, coffee, etc) as you can. *Drinking warm liquids has the same effect as gargling, but in the reverse direction. They wash off proliferating viruses from the throat into the stomach where they cannot survive, proliferate or do any harm. I suggest you pass this on to your entire e-list. You never know who might pay attention to it - and STAY ALIVE because of it.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
We're repeating the mistakes of 1930 - Investment News
Learning History has importance, least we repeat our past mistakes.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
The Georgia National Fair

Thursday, April 23, 2009
Success to our President
Each of us possesses the liberty that is enumerated in our Constitution. These Liberties which Americans have died for are Liberties that are not found in Hugo Chavez’ Venezuela, Fidel Castro’s Cuba, North Korea, China, Russia or even Great Britain. It is important to be diplomatic, but that is a job for Ambassadors and Diplomats, not Presidents. It is sad to say that today, all that are oppressed for standing up for liberty, freedom of speech, freedom of religion or freedom of the press, lost when Mr. Obama seemed to befriend Mr. Chavez. And as for Chance, we found out on September 11th that there is little and no time for chance. Americans went about their business on a beautiful Tuesday morning, and they never went home. Some of them had to make the unthinkable decision on how to die. Not having a job is easy compared to facing the unexpected visit of death.
Our President is responsible for protecting our liberties, no matter who he or she is. Here is hoping that our President remembers that there is a greater strength among all of us. Coming from all walks of ‘Life’, we can bring this country to a better place. The government and our President can not succeed alone. It is not a mess, but a challenge. If there is a ‘good reason’ to destroy the small business model for free enterprise, our President needs to step up to the plate and explain why it is being destroyed now, now, when we really need small business in America. Our President’s success will be measured in our success.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Report: Congress Set to End Tax-Free Online Shopping
Let It Steep
This past week saw some amazing displays of grassroots politicking.
It also showed the nastier side of politicking.
On one hand, the tea parties here in the Houston area (and around the nation), displayed what the power of the Internet and of discontent can muster.
The Houston Tea Party Society estimates that between 8 and 10 thousand people turned out for the downtown tea party rally on Wednesday.
these are pictures taken by reader Louis Z. at the downtown Houston rally (click to enlarge to full size)
Having talked to the organizers of the event, I know they had to be thrilled with the turnout. Their's was a bottom-up effort. There was little (if any) input from any organized political party. And they counted among their members republicans, democrats, libertarians, and independents.
There were also large rallies in Ft. Bend County and in northern Harris County. Those events also drew thousands.
All of the rallies made it clear that there are a lot of people who want to share their ideas and voice their concerns. There is nothing more American than the ability to stand on the courthouse steps (or wherever there is a microphone) and speak out.
It is part of the American fabric that we may protest and gather and voice our dislike of policy and direction.
these are pictures taken by reader Janelle L. at The Woodlands Creekside rally (click to enlarge to full size)
One can be hopeful that the thousands who attended the rallies will become more involved in the political process.
But with that hope must also come the knowledge that we have a real problem facing us that is more pressing than stimulus packages:
As one watched the spotty, partisan national coverage of the events it became apparent how the deep divide is in this country.
To illustrate my point, here are a few of the comments I got an a pre-tax day post I wrote about the pending parties and connections to established political parties:
"Another article penned by the media displaying their outright hate of America, being they always choose to defend the ones who want to destroy America byway of initiating Socialist programs. You guys must feel so proud of your traitorous actions every time you cash your paychecks."
"Tom, get your head out of the sand. The tea parties aren't about Republicans, Democrats, Independents or any other party. They are about "WE THE PEOPLE." "
"wackkk!!! This is all grassroots. Tom stop being a rookie, and learn the game. THE RNC is trying to take credit but the real "reality" is that a couple of Houstonians began the movement from all sides of the aisle."
There is a grassroots element to this. And it may have started out as such (in Chicago). But it has the support now of a Republican party that is looking to find a foothold after November's elections.
It (the GOP) has seized upon this "movement" and is trying to adopt it. And so there IS a connection to the establishment, even if the original tea partiers don't like it.
At the same time, it is naive to believe that this incredible fervor is ONLY about taxes and spending. There is an ideological bent to the Tea Party Organizations that stems from that core belief. But, like any group that grows rapidly, the ideas that bind the tea partiers reach far beyond stimulus and debt.
But why is it that readers/viewers are so defensive of an affiliation to any party? Why is it that an article written about an event yet to happen draws so much passion?
On the flip side, why are so many NOT involved in the tea parties quick to dismiss the partiers as right wing zealots?
Why do they try to cast them as dangerous or unstable?
It is because we are so divided. November did little to unite us (to this point). Despite promises from both sides of hand holding and aisle reaching...we are in the same predicament that we found ourselves before anyone went to the polls.
And that is, despite branded affiliation or socioeconomics, we are a nation of blame right now. The left blames the right. The right blames the left. The politically affiliated blame the independent voices. The independents bristle at the notion of being branded this or that. And the problem is always someone else.
It's enough to make everyone stew (or steep as the case may be).
Thanks for reading. TA
Friday, February 6, 2009
Remembering Karen Carpenter
Have a Good Evening.