There is a reason why we seem to be falling apart, a reason why our President seems not to have a backbone. Sure, he has ideas and plans for our government. But he has forgotten why this country is great, why it is strong, why it is that people from everywhere come here to be home. America is great because of WE THE PEOPLE, who have entrusted you, the president, the senator, the representative, the governor, the mayor with governing, for a limited time. The Politians are not kings and princesses. They are people, elected by the people to govern the people, not rule. Our government will fail if those people in Washington DC forget that we, the people are more than just a bunch of folks to tax. We need to be together and united, yes. But individually, each of us can be entrusted to our part to correct and improve the world around us.
Each of us possesses the liberty that is enumerated in our Constitution. These Liberties which Americans have died for are Liberties that are not found in Hugo Chavez’ Venezuela, Fidel Castro’s Cuba, North Korea, China, Russia or even Great Britain. It is important to be diplomatic, but that is a job for Ambassadors and Diplomats, not Presidents. It is sad to say that today, all that are oppressed for standing up for liberty, freedom of speech, freedom of religion or freedom of the press, lost when Mr. Obama seemed to befriend Mr. Chavez. And as for Chance, we found out on September 11th that there is little and no time for chance. Americans went about their business on a beautiful Tuesday morning, and they never went home. Some of them had to make the unthinkable decision on how to die. Not having a job is easy compared to facing the unexpected visit of death.
Our President is responsible for protecting our liberties, no matter who he or she is. Here is hoping that our President remembers that there is a greater strength among all of us. Coming from all walks of ‘Life’, we can bring this country to a better place. The government and our President can not succeed alone. It is not a mess, but a challenge. If there is a ‘good reason’ to destroy the small business model for free enterprise, our President needs to step up to the plate and explain why it is being destroyed now, now, when we really need small business in America. Our President’s success will be measured in our success.
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